Category Archives: Uncategorized

Sorry for the dearth of publishing here

Sorry for the dearth of publishing here, but I was leading a training camp-out for my son’s BSA Troop this weekend. I queued up a few entries, but didn’t get nearly enough set up before I had to leave. Regular … Continue reading

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This should surprise exactly no one

This should surprise exactly no one: Western leaders point finger at Putin after Alexei Navalny’s death in jail. Western leaders are also silent about everyone locked up without trial for strolling through the Capitol building on Jan. 6th, 2021.

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Where are you on the bench press scale?

Where are you on the bench press scale? Average Bench Press By Age, Weight And Gender. I’m about intermediate for my bodyweight, but the chart doesn’t include my age in its range.

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Depression is when you lose our job, recession is when your neighbor loses his

Depression is when you lose our job, recession is when your neighbor loses his: Nike to cut about 2% jobs to lower costs as demand weakens. And recovery begins when Biden loses his.

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Color me skeptical

Color me skeptical: Technology industry to combat deceptive use of AI in 2024 elections. Given the skew in political donations in the technology sector, I’ll believe in their even-handedness when I see it applied to Democrats.

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Art Blvd. and Crime Drive actually have 2 intersections

Art Blvd. and Crime Drive actually have 2 intersections: Stolen Van Gogh Painting Recovered in an IKEA Bag Will Go on Display. One where Crime Drive has right-of-way (the theft), the other where Art Blvd. does (the recovery).

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Large datasets take time to process

Large datasets take time to process: Cosmos History Made! Scientists Discover Water On Asteroids For First Time. Scientific journal article here. Note that SOFIA, the discovery instrument, last flew in 2022. It’s taken this long to get through the data.

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News you can use if you sit at a computer all day

News you can use if you sit at a computer all day: 10 Easy Ways to Stretch and Strengthen Your Wrists. At least, if you’re looking to strengthen your wrists. But don’t forget your heart.

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Meme of the day: dependent liberties

Meme of the day: dependent liberties

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“Complicates” here is a weasel word

“Complicates” here is a weasel word. Those who have been paying attention understand there’s nothing complicated about prices rising because of excess dollars flowing through the system: January’s Surprising PPI Hike Complicates Inflation Outlook. Stripping out food and energy costs, … Continue reading

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