Category Archives: Uncategorized

Actual global warming

Actual global warming: “Made Me Fall Off My Chair”: Scientists Saw a Star Swallow a Planet for the First Time

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It should have been a gun, but this is from Tacoma, where the hoplophobia runs strong

It should have been a gun, but this is from Tacoma, where the hoplophobia runs strong: Suspect pulls knife during Tacoma robbery. This store owner scares him off with an even bigger one.. You can tell you live in a … Continue reading

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I prefer rural living over suburban and suburban over urban, but …

I prefer rural living over suburban and suburban over urban, but life in the country comes with its own set of problems.

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More on the Church of Osteen shooter

More on the Church of Osteen shooter: Texas neighbors said they tried to sound the alarm about Houston church shooter for months. Late Monday afternoon, the women held a news conference in the driveway of a home to describe what … Continue reading

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Learn a new skill: How to Write a Sonnet

Learn a new skill: How to Write a Sonnet A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set … Continue reading

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Today’s Presidential political process is vastly different than that of a century ago, and the results are demonstrably worse

Today’s Presidential political process is vastly different than that of a century ago, and the results are demonstrably worse: You don't demonstrate your seriousness that Trump is an existential threat to democracy by going through the motions to renominate an … Continue reading

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Surprising exactly zero Austrian-school economists

Surprising exactly zero Austrian-school economists: Inflation: Consumer prices rise 3.1% in January, defying forecasts for a faster slowdown. The Consumer Price Index (CPI) rose 0.3% over last month and 3.1% over the prior year in January, slightly higher than December’s … Continue reading

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Well done, now sell it to our allies:

Well done, now sell it to our allies: Missile Defense Agency and U.S. Navy Successfully Demonstrate Aegis Weapon System Capabilities against Advanced Countermeasure Missile Target The more Allies that have effective defensive weapons systems, the better it will be for … Continue reading

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Don’t use Google, they’re evil

Don’t use Google, they’re evil: Why Is Google Selling Adwords For Snuff Films? Bing at least gives you points for each search that you can use towards gift cards.

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Embrace the explanatory power of the conjunction ‘and’

Embrace the explanatory power of the conjunction ‘and’: Has Joe Biden Become Possessed, Or Is He Just High as a Kite? Normally I take a pass on medical speculations by non-medical professionals, but: The proliferation of freely available information allows … Continue reading

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